Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012

Descarga de Ebook Gravity (IVORY PRESS)

Descarga de Ebook Gravity (IVORY PRESS)

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Descarga de Ebook Gravity (IVORY PRESS)

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Reseña del editor Included within this publication are forty-five 'mudworks' by Richard Long, produced especially for the book and accompanied by text from the artist himself. Long, an English sculptor, photographer and painter is closely associated with an art form that emerged in the 1970s, called Land Art.He earned his international reputation in that same decade with sculptures that he made as the result of epic walks, sometimes lasting days on end, that he went on to remote parts of the world, including desert regions of Africa as well as Australia, Canada, Japan, Switzerland and Norway. Since 1981 he has also engaged in painting by using liquid-like mud and applying it by hand, establishing a dialogue between the primal gesture of the hand-print and the formal elegance of its display. He has stressed that the meaning of his work rests in the visibility of his actions rather than in the representation of a particular landscape. In 2009 the Tate Britain, London (UK) dedicated a large retrospective exhibition to this exceptional artist.Tapa blanda=96 páginas. Editor=Ivory Press (20 de septiembre de 2010). Colección=IVORY PRESS. Idioma=Inglés. ISBN-10=0955961394. ISBN-13=978-0955961397. Valoración media de los clientes=Sé el primero en opinar sobre este producto. Clasificación en los más vendidos de AmazonPaisajes terrestres y marinosEsculturaArtistas individuales=nº814.773 en Libros (Ver el Top 100 en Libros) .zg_hrsr { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; } .zg_hrsr_item { margin: 0 0 0 10px; } .zg_hrsr_rank { display: inline-block; width: 80px; text-align: right; } n.° 25 en Libros > Arte, cine y fotografía > Historia, teoría y crítica > Temas y conceptos > n.° 269 en Libros > Arte, cine y fotografía > n.° 1141 en Libros > Arte, cine y fotografía >.

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